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Thank You for participating in GameACon and growing the community of gamers, creators, and enthusiasts!

Please Read all the rules and guidelines below for attending the GAC convention!

See You There!

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rules and guidelines


Failure to read and agree to these rules will result in an automatic rejection.
The person applying for the table will be the primary table holder and the ONLY person allowed to check in for the table and receive badges. Any duplicate submissions will be condensed into ONE application.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email


Spaces will be selected via a jury process. The jury will consist of 3-8 staff members for a well-rounded selection of artists and dealers/vendors. Answers to all questions, as well as artwork, will be included in the jury process.

You may NOT purchase a space outright. You MUST go through the application process and be approved. Space purchases without approval will not be honored, accepted, or refunded.

Table Prices


You may NOT apply for both an artist and vendor space. You must choose one or the other. Any applications for both will be disqualified.

Chairs will be limited. You are welcome to bring your own chair if you would like.


All exhibitors must show a government-issued, photo ID to exhibit at GameACon. If an exhibitor is not able to produce a valid ID at check in, their table(s) will be held until 5:00 PM on opening day, at which point the table(s) will be considered unclaimed and open for sale on a first-come, first-served basis.

Accepted forms of ID include but are not limited to:

  • A state driver’s license

  • State-issued identification card

  • A passport

  • Military ID.

Other forms of photo ID may be accepted at the discretion of the Department Head of Exhibitions. The name on the ID must match the name given during booth registration.


To exhibit at GameACon, you must agree to the rules and terms during the application process and in writing. A contract for all exhibitors must be signed at check-in. Application/acceptance of a GAC vendor or artist space also includes acceptance of all GAC policies, terms, conditions, and codes of conduct.

A person must be at least 18 years old in order to sign a contract. Therefore, any person who is not 18 must have an adult sign the contract on their behalf. The adult who co-signed the contract must be present to check-in for a table, must remain present at the table at all times, and must accept responsibility for any failure of the under-aged exhibitor to comply with all convention policies as well as applicable laws. Persons under the age of 18 may not be left unattended.

Display (Artist Tables Only)

Fanart may take up a maximum of 75% of the display space regardless of mediums. 25% must be original art.

  • Fan Art is defined as artwork based on popular works of fiction (such as books, movies, etc.) that is created by fans. What is determined to be fan art is at the sole discretion of The Department Head of Exhibitions.

  • 75% shall be defined as 3/4 of the tables visual display area.

  • When displaying fan art, artists must respect the source’s trademarks. This includes but is not limited to avoiding things such as the use of logos in their display, signage referring to the artwork by its series, or signage referring to a character’s name.

  • Celebrity likenesses are considered to be fan art

  • Items made using licensed fabrics or materials used under first sale doctrine are considered fan art. Items that fall under first sale doctrine may include but are not limited to stickers, comics, wall scrolls, and manga.

  • Everyone knows that copying someone else’s work is wrong, but there is no “magic rule” about how much must be changed to make it an artist’s own. The artist bears all responsibility and risk for the items brought for sale at GAC. The Department Head of Exhibitions, in consultation with GAC lawyer when needed, will resolve any questions regarding this policy. If a piece of art appears to be very similar to a licensed, copyrighted, etc. piece of art, the artist may be asked to remove it from display and sale at the discretion of the Department Head. The Department Head’s decision is final.

  • Any artwork containing a protected license created by the copyright holder, under commission of the copyright holder, or within the terms of a license agreement will be considered original artwork. If your work falls under one of these categories please be sure to have copies of all appropriate paperwork on hand.

The following items are prohibited from sale (Artist Tables Only):
  • Any work with copyrighted materials and/or trademarked logos (official art), regardless of whether or not the work is original.

  • Bootleg products

  • Copyright-violating traced, photoshopped, or transferred art. This includes but is not limited to work from “redraw” projects, and pixel artwork, such as pearler or other forms of sprites, which directly copy a licensed work.

  • 2nd or 3rd party art/sales.

  • Products that can be bought at a store either in Japan or the US that you did not create

  • Legally imported merchandise or legitimate US products. This includes, but is not limited to: wall scrolls, sharpies, art supplies, duct tape, glow sticks, etc.

  • Props that are a replication of a copyrighted and/or licensed nature.

At Con/Pre Con Commissions

Commissions taken for delivery at the convention, regardless if the commission was taken pre-convention for delivery or at the convention for delivery are between the artist and commissioner, GameACon is not a party in these dealings. As such GAC and the Exhibitions staff cannot assist you in locating either the commissioner or the artist you commissioned. Please make sure you get contact information for one another as part of your dealings.

Sharing Space

Exhibitors may share space with another exhibitor under the following conditions:

  • The overall table must conform to the 25% original artwork display rules. (Artist Only)

  • Exhibitions staff must be notified of any exhibitor taking in personal sales at check-in or at the Exhibitions Operations Table. Those additional exhibitors will be required to fill out paperwork for Sales Tax purposes.

  • Shared space must be approved in writing by the Exhibitions Staff prior to GameACon

Subletting Space

At no time may an exhibitor sell or rent their space to another exhibitor within GameACon. If an exhibitor is found subletting, both the exhibitor who registered the space and the person occupying the space will be evicted from the space immediately with no refund.

Transfer of Tables

Each table is registered to an exhibitor at purchase. No purchased table may be moved to the ownership of another exhibitor. If you need to opt-out of your table, please notify the Exhibitions staff to make the table available to the wait-list. Also, please note that table costs are nonrefundable.

If you are a registered corporation at the time of your application to the Exhibition Hall, you may transfer your table to another employee of your corporation. This person must not have been accepted for a table at GAC. Additionally, you must also provide the following information:

  • The State in which you have incorporated

  • Your incorporation ID (This is not your Federal Tax ID)

  • Your Federal Tax ID

  • Date of incorporation (Your date of incorporation must be prior to submitting an application to the Vendor Hall)

Unsold Tables

Unsold Tables will be offered for sale starting opening day at the Exhibitions Operations Table. Unsold tables are tables, which have been made available before convention and should not be confused with abandoned tables.

  • You may not line up prior to this time.

  • All tables are sold on a first-come, first-served basis.

  • Unsold tables will only be sold at the full rate.

Abandoned Tables

If an exhibitor fails to check-in for their booth by e.o.d. 1 and does not contact the Exhibitions Department Head in advance, their table will be considered abandoned. At that point, their table will be offered for sale at the at-con rate on a first-come, first-served basis.

  • Lost tables cannot be reclaimed, and neither credit nor refund will be given for no-show tables.

  • The lineup location will at the Exhibitions Operations Table

  • You may not line up prior to this.

  • No show tables will only be sold at the full rate.


Tables are not refundable.

Tables and Displays

Number of Tables

All space types come with ONE TABLE. Dimensions are subject to change depending on what is supplied by the decorator. At no time are tables available for request.

Chairs will be limited. You are welcome to bring your own chair if you would like.

Vendor Booth Space

Vendors will have an area. You may use the space in this area in any way that you wish. If your booth or display extends beyond your area, you will be asked to adjust your arrangement to fit your booth space. Failure to do so may result in eviction from the Exhibitions Hall. Dimensions are subject to change.

Artist Table Space

All space behind Artist tables is considered shared space. Please be respectful of your neighbors.


  • Any structure brought to display artwork must be of sound construction and may not extend more than 5 feet above the table or a total of 8 feet from the floor, whichever is less.

  • If any structure falls down, appears unstable, or extends above the height limit, the exhibitor to whom it belongs will be asked to remove it by the Exhibitions staff.

  • In addition, all displays must reside within the confines of your area. Displays behind your table may not impede upon other Exhibitors’ areas nor disrupt traffic flow in case of emergency.

Artwork and Sales

Adult Materials

GameACon is a family-friendly convention and asks that all exhibitors keep this in mind when setting up their displays. The acceptability of displays of adult material is at the sole discretion of the Department Heads of Exhibitions. Any materials which are sexually explicit, extremely graphically violent, or otherwise unsuitable for children must be displayed in a manner that keeps minors from seeing them. If any of these materials are found left out in the open, or the Exhibitions staff receives complaints, the exhibitor will be asked to remove the material in question. If any exhibitor sells inappropriate materials to minors, they will be removed from Exhibitions at BlerdCon. They may also be held accountable under state laws.


Power outlets are available in the hall but all power is shared. Please be sure to bring extension cords and power strips if your booth has power.


GAC does not provide WiFi for all vendors or artists. If you would like to purchase WiFi, please contact the GAC to make those arrangements. Specified booth packages include WIFI and Power options.


While in Exhibitions, all convention, local, state, and federal rules, policies and laws apply. Convention rules can be found online on the BlerdCon website and in your program book.


GAC badges must be worn at all times. Persons behind tables within Exhibitions without a badge are subject to removal from the convention without refund.

Substance Use

Smoking, including vapes or electronic cigarettes, or use of alcohol or drugs while in Exhibitions will not be tolerated. Violations will result in removal from Exhibitions and convention with no refund.


Please refrain from running, screaming, yelling, horseplay, or obscene language; all exhibitors are expected to be courteous and polite to one another, the staff, and other convention attendees.


Overly loud music, videos, etc. will not be tolerated in Exhibitions. If the amount of sound coming from a table is found to be disruptive as determined by the Exhibitions staff, the exhibitor will be asked to lower the volume. Further noise violations can result in the exhibitor being removed from Exhibitions.


Photography and video recordings are permitted within Exhibitions, provided that the person being recorded has given permission. Similarly, pictures or videos of art are allowed only with the permission of the artist or vendor.


Exhibitors are requested not to move or tamper with GAC signage without staff permission.

Recording Devices

Permission to video record your space, whether for personal or security usage will be given on a case-by-case basis. If you are interested in recording your space you must do the following:

  • Email a formal request to Exhibitions explaining your intention for the footage you plan to take.

  • If approved post signage in clear view of the crowd with the following text: “WARNING Audio and Video Recording In Progress”

  • If you plan to publicly release the footage you must have documented approval of those within the video to have their images shown, or their faces must be blurred.

Rules Violations and Penalties

Most issues within the Exhibitions Hall are handled with a warning, but sometimes larger actions must be taken. Here is a general guideline for the consequences for the majority of offenses that may happen within the room.

FIRST OFFENSE – Verbal Warning

The Exhibitions Department Head will speak with you detailing any major concerns with regard to your display, merchandise, or conduct. You will be given examples, conditions, and a time frame with which you must comply. This may be, but is not limited to, removing all offending material from sight and not displaying it again for the rest of the convention. A note of this warning will be made for reference at any other time during the weekend.

SECOND OFFENSE – possible ejection

If you have already been given a  warning and have not complied in the time frame given, put any offending material back on display, or broken another rule, you may be evicted from Exhibitions without refund.



If after being evicted from the room you are found trying to convince or have convinced, another artist or vendor (whether knowingly or not) to help you sell any merchandise

(whether the offending merchandise or not), you will henceforth be banned from exhibiting at GAC for 1 year. Exhibitors found selling your artwork will get a warning and/or could also be evicted or banned.



Though GameACon and the Exhibitions staff retain the right to make instantaneous changes to any policies. Every effort will be made to extend exhibitors the courtesy to make announcements of any changes.

As a reminder, the Exhibitions staff will consistently monitor and patrol Exhibitions for policy and rule violations. Any and all observed and reported violations will be acted upon. A single violation of the convention and Exhibitions rules and policies can potentially result in the exhibitor being removed from Exhibitions and the convention at the discretion of the Exhibitions staff. If an individual is removed, they forfeit all fees and will receive no refund for their table or membership. Additionally, for the safety of the Exhibitions staff, conversations between yourself and the Exhibitions staff may be recorded.

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© 2024 GameAcon GAC

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