Register and Purchase your space
Artist • Developer • vendor
At Gameacon Palm Springs
June 21(Move-In) Floor opens 22-23 2024
Palm Springs Convention Center
Palm Springs California
Here you will find your Vendor and developer space at the event.
You can choose table space or booth space.
*Please note that the Palm Springs Convention Center does not allow outside food sellers.
Please read the descriptions below and Pay and register in one place!

Artist Alley - $295
Table (6-foot table in Artists section)
for individual artists.
FREE Placement on our 24/7 online Marketplace.
Basic Wi-Fi (can be purchased for $18 per day from convention center Wi-Fi service).

Developer Booth - $295
GameAcon West, Palm Springs CA,
* This is a special booth space that GameAcon subsidizes to allow game developers to showcase and playtest their games and possibly win a
GAC Crystal Award.
Includes a 10x10 pipe and drape booth. • Listing in the event program.
FREE Placement on our 24/7 online Marketplace.
Basic Wi-Fi (can be purchased for $18 per day from convention center Wi-Fi service).
Power is available for $75 at the location for event duration.”

Developer Table Top - $295
GameAcon West, Palm Springs CA,
* This is a special booth space that GameAcon subsidizes to allow game developers to showcase and playtest their games and possibly
win a GAC Crystal Award.
Includes a large table in the Tabletop area.
Listing in the event program.
FREE Placement on our 24/7 online Marketplace.
Basic Wi-Fi (can be purchased for $18 per day from convention center Wi-Fi service).
Power is available to purchase for $75 at the location for event duration.”

Vendor Booth Big - $1005
Includes a 10x20 pipe and drape booth
A listing in the event program.
FREE Placement on our 24/7 online Marketplace.
Basic Wi-Fi (can be purchased for $18 per day from convention center Wi-Fi service).
Power is available to purchase for $75 at the location for event duration.

Vendor Large End Cap Booth $1515 (stock limited)
Includes a large end cap 10x20 pipe and drape booth in a prime location.
Enhanced program listing in the event program.
FREE Placement on our 24/7 online Marketplace.
Basic Wi-Fi (can be purchased for $18 per day from convention center Wi-Fi service).
Power is available to purchase for $75 at the location for event duration.