Cosplay Contest

Welcome to this year’s Cosplay Contest! We can’t wait to see all of your amazing costumes and are super excited to meet so many new cosplayers! Below are the answers to all your pressing questions about everything you need to know to join the contest!
Best in Show
2nd Place
3rd Place
Best Craftsmanship: The majority of the costume must be made by the entrant.
Most Detailed Design: The costume with the most precision and detail.
Best Practical Effect: The use of LED Lights, sound, makeup or any other practical effect in the costume.
Best Group
Honorable Mention 1
Honorable Mention 2
Honorable Mention 3
Contestants: Don’t worry about picking categories; everyone is entered into all categories and the best of each category is chosen by our Judges!
Contestants must stop by the SuperHeroes Unlimited Booth to sign up. You do not need to be wearing the costume you will be competing in when you sign up, but you do need to wear whatever costume you wish to be judged on during the competition.
Contestants must arrive at the contest location 30 minutes prior to contest start time to check in and to practice their entrance and exits and everything in between. SuperHeroes Unlimited will walk everyone though how to look fantastic on stage and get all those nervous jitters out!
During the show, all contestants will walk across the stage and show off their costumes to the audience. The judges may ask each contestant a few questions.
Contestants will be expected to stay for the entire duration of the competition.
For weapons policy and general costume rules please look under the convention rules.
· All final decisions on costumes entering the facility shall be at the sole discretion of the Con Staff. Should your costume be/become an issue, Con staff will ask that you either change or leave the premises.
· Your costume must not be wider than 4 feet across, longer than 6 feet, or taller than 8 feet.
· You MUST be able to easily maneuver your costume over stairs or ramps unassisted. Armor cannot pose a threat to others.
· You must have unobstructed vision at all times (i.e., must not need to remove a piece of your Costume in order to see).
· Any bow-type weapons must be unstrung or strung with a low-tensile thread. All prop arrows must have soft, non-metal, blunted tips made out of foam or cardboard only.
· You may not include liquids, gels, or other substances which could cause a mess. This is at the discretion of the Con Staff.
· You may not use smoke effects, fire, explosives, or any other environmental hazard in any capacity.
· You may display your prop weapons only as costume pieces. Do not swing or brandish your prop in any way that could be considered unsafe or threatening.
· You may pose with a prop in a brandishing manner, so long as no reasonable person would interpret it for anything other than dramatic effect. Con Staff may stop you at their sole discretion.
· You may not have any other weapons that may cause harm to others including, but not limited to, sharpened metal-bladed weapons; blunt weapons (like brass knuckles, clubs, and nunchaku).
· You may not have items that cause excessive noise levels like megaphones and air horns.
· NO WEAPON THAT COULD UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES BE CONFUSED WITH A REAL GUN WILL BE ALLOWED. Plastic or otherwise, regardless of whether or not it has an orange tip or an unrealistic color. Prop guns of any type will NOT be ALLOWED.
· Guns of a clearly unique design may be allowed at the discretion of the Con Staff.IE a Space Marine Blaster, Star Wars Blasters, or a Halo style Convent Pulse Rifle, etc. These will be decided on a case-by-case basis at weapons check.
· All costumes must cover at least as much as a 2 piece bikini would. No nipple tassels, C-cups etc. Men are encouraged to wear dance belts if wearing bodysuits etc. Naked is NOT a costume. If it’s not allowed in public it’s not allowed in the con.
· Please be sure to have shoes on at all times. Barefoot cosplays will be required to wear shoes however can be temporarily removed for photo ops.
· If it is illegal outside of the convention, it is illegal inside the convention. If you have a safety or security concern, bring it to the convention staff immediately. In emergencies, dial 911.
· Should you be unsure if your costume is acceptable or not please email Cosplay@SuperHeroesUnlimited.com with a photo of your costume for approval.
Contact Us about Being a Cosplay Guest At GameAcon this year!